PNU-SNU Research Network
Ai-Machine learning and Statistics Collaborative Research Ensemble
for Air pollution, Temperature, and all types of Environmental exposures
Data Science
AiMS-CREATE team is based on cutting-edge perspectives on data science for health. We cover various types of biomedical data science issues from Study designs to analytic procedures
Our team is developing Machine/Deep learning models to predict environmental exposures including air pollution and temperature.
Our team is examining statistical methodologies for health science. Advanced statistical modeling of our interest covers causal inference, survival analysis, and time-series analysis with our exposure prediction models.

AiMS-CREATE is from the research collaborative network between the School of Biomedical Convergence Engineering (Data Science major) at Pusan National University (PNU) and the Graduate School of Public Health (Biostatistics major) at Seoul National University (SNU). We aim to create ultra-high spatiotemporal resolution prediction models for environmental exposures based on machine/deep learning methodologies. In addition to this aim, we are investigating data science procedures to estimate the impacts of environmental exposures on human health.